Who is qualified for the program?
Potentially anyone who has something to say about the product! To become a tester, we ask that you start by filling out our application. From there, we’ll review your profile and make selections for future tests.

Testers play an essential role in providing detailed, timely and transparent feedback—enabling HOKA to keep building the best products. When recruiting testers, we look for different points of views, enabling our teams to think outside of the box and spot opportunities and challenges during the product creation process.

A good tester doesn’t have to love every product they try, but they are able to explain why they do or do not like a product. We do also ask that testers are able to respect the strict confidentiality needed around the test.
How do you choose testers?
Ultimately, we make selections based on current footwear and apparel sample sizes, location or preferred activities. Our needs vary from one season to the next, and we are always looking to expand our network to find the most suitable testers for each project.
Can I test more than once?
Absolutely. If you are recruited for a test and provide precise, honest and timely feedback, it is very likely that we will keep in touch for other test rounds.
Can I choose what I test?
Unfortunately, we cannot offer you a list of products to choose from. We’ll always make sure that you’re OK with the type of test we’d like to recruit you for, and you can always refuse a test.